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The Best Always-On Overdrive Pedals (2023)

Over the past few decades or so, guitar rigs have been getting more and more complicated. This also goes for those relying mostly on their pedalboards, anyone from enthusiasts or frequently gigging guitarists in smaller bands. However, in more recent years, things have been going back to simpler setups. And no, this isn’t only with … Read more

The Best Overdrive Pedals for Beginners (2023)

Now that you’ve learned some of the guitar and music theory basics, it’s time to start buying pedals. Of course, some will start to purchase stuff before they conquer all the basics. While this is not necessarily wrong, know that pedals are just expressive tools and won’t magically make you sound better. That also goes … Read more

How to Store a Guitar Without a Stand

Storing your guitar is an important, and sometimes overlooked, aspect of owning this instrument. With so many accessories on the market today designed to help you store your six-string, it can sometimes be a little overwhelming.  But what if you don’t want to use these accessories? What if money’s a little tight at the moment … Read more

How Often Should Guitar Strings Break?

Guitar strings break. That’s just a fact… The odd broken string here and there is not an uncommon thing for a guitarist to deal with. But at what point does it become too much? How often really, should your guitar strings be breaking?  For a properly maintained and treated six-string, you can realistically expect to … Read more

Can You Mix Guitar String Brands, Gauges, & Materials?

You may have wondered, as I have when staring at the counters full of shiny and colorful string sets of different sizes, brands, and materials if you can mix and match guitar strings. What would happen if you got picky and went beyond the regular pack? You can mix and match guitar strings to get … Read more