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The Best Overdrive Pedals with Presets (2023)

Today, there’s such an abundance of overdrive pedals of all kinds. However, if you’re looking for the best overdrive pedal with presets, you might feel like your choices are much slimmer than usual. After all, there aren’t as many of these on the market. But on the other hand, they’re not impossible to find, even … Read more

The Smoothest Sounding Overdrive Pedals (2023)

The search for a good guitar tone is an endless one. No matter how much effort you put into it, there’s always going to be something new that you’ll want to tweak, add, or remove from the equation. And no matter the genre that you’re into, a smooth-sounding overdrive is something that you’ll always need. … Read more

The Best Overdrive Pedals for Solid-State Amps (2023)

Guitar amplifiers are one of the very rare products where vacuum tubes still find their use. However, they’re usually pretty expensive and somewhat impractical, thus the solid-state amps come into play. While what’s better or worse comes down to personal preferences, solid-state amps do come with certain traits that are undesirable. They sound too “sterile,” … Read more

The Best Overdrive Pedals for Classic Rock (2023)

You might get into some pretty extreme or somewhat obscure subgenres of metal music. But ultimately, all those bands and artists owe it all to classic rock bands. In fact, classic rock, along with the old-school “conventional” guitar tone is making a massive comeback. But although many find it to be simple or even boring, … Read more