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4 Ideas for Storing Guitars in a Small Room

When you’re not busy strumming away at your guitar or working on that new alternative picking technique, you’re gonna need a place to store your six-string that’s safe and reliable.  If you’re limited by space or a small room, don’t worry, there are plenty of storage options for keeping your guitar organized and ready for … Read more

How To Fix Fret Buzz on Lower Frets

So, you’ve picked up your six string and gone to shred out a lick on the lower frets but found everything sounds dirty and muddled. You swear you’ve practiced this riff before but no matter how cleanly you hit the notes all you get is that horrible, messy noise we all hate. Don’t panic. This … Read more

Fret Buzz Even with High Action? How to Fix It!

High action is sometimes the necessary adversity players learn to live with to avoid even the slightest fret buzz. You fight your way through the bends, build your calluses, and even start to like the nice fight the guitar puts in when you play it. However, what happens if you conquer the beast but get … Read more

Are Stock Guitar Strings Bad?

It’s an age-old question… are stock guitar strings bad? You might have been told by an old teacher, or music store employee that the stock strings that came with your guitar aren’t as good as the ones you buy separately.  They’re not wrong, but they’re also not really right. Stock guitar strings aren’t always low … Read more

Fret Buzz Above 12th Fret: Get Rid of Buzz on High Frets

Imagine you’re playing open cowboy chords smoothly along with the band. The chorus hits, and you press down the pedal grooving to the power of distorted power chords. And just when it’s time for the gods of rock to shine upon you during the solo section, you majestically bend the 15th fret and suddenly hear … Read more