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How to Store a Guitar Without a Stand

Storing your guitar is an important, and sometimes overlooked, aspect of owning this instrument. With so many accessories on the market today designed to help you store your six-string, it can sometimes be a little overwhelming. 

But what if you don’t want to use these accessories? What if money’s a little tight at the moment and you just don’t want to splurge on a stand? Well, we’re here to give you a rundown of some of the best ways to store a guitar without a stand.

In a Case

If you’re looking for a secure and cost-effective way to store your guitar without a stand, keeping it in a case is the way to go!

Where possible, you’ll want to use a hard case instead of a gig bag or an ill-fitting chipboard case as this offers the best protection to your instrument while maintaining a steady temperature and humidity.

Storing your guitar in a case will help to keep it safe from accidental knocks, bumps, and scratches it might otherwise pick up being left out. Keeping it in a case will also help to keep it clean and dust-free and increase the string’s lifespan.

What you’ll want to make sure though, is that you pick out the right hard case for your guitar. Hard cases come in different shapes and sizes and depending on the style of guitar you have, you’ll need to make sure you choose the right shape.

While storing your guitar in its case is a solid option if you don’t have a stand, it’s not a perfect solution. 

Doing this puts a barrier between yourself and the guitar, making it just a little bit harder to play it throughout the day. Having to stop and get it out of its case before each play-through can dramatically change the way you interact with your instrument. So if you’re the type of guitarist who likes to quickly noodle before going about your day, maybe storing your guitar in a case isn’t for you.

Lay It Flat on Something Soft

Now, if you’re really, really, tight on cash and just need to keep your guitar out of the way when you’re not using it, laying it on a flat, soft surface will get the job done without you having to dust off your wallet.

Generally speaking, this should be your last resort. Laying your guitar flat on anything isn’t a good way to maintain your guitar’s health as there are a few reasons for this: 

1. Getting stepped on

This is especially true if your flat, “soft” surface is the floor. Storing your guitar where you, your guests, and any pets do the majority of their stepping is a recipe for disaster and a surefire way to end up with a stepped-on guitar.

This can also extend to places like the bed where someone could accidentally sit on the guitar or something could get thrown on top of it by accident. Really, you want to avoid putting your guitar in places people are going to put things or themselves in.

2. Dust Collector

Leaving your guitar out is also a really easy way to collect the dust particles currently flying around your home. Not only does dust look bad but it can also lead to scratches if they aren’t properly dealt with.

3. Trip Hazard

Again, if your flat surface of choice happens to be the floor you need to be careful not to turn your beloved six-string into a trip hazard. Breaking your guitar is one thing, breaking your neck is another. For everyone’s sake, just keep it off the floor.

Be Extra Careful If You Lean It Up Against Something

Another super common way to store your guitar without a stand is to lean it up against something like a wall, bed frame, or chair. While this is a popular choice, and one even I’m guilty of doing from time to time, you need to be careful as leaning your guitar against something can lead to serious and long-term damage.

Firstly, leaning your guitar up against something isn’t very secure. Without anything to hold it in place, your guitar is at risk of being knocked over. This could lead to chips, scratches, and even damage to the neck.

Secondly, leaning your guitar can cause the neck to warp because of the extra pressure being exerted on it. In general, you want to avoid putting stress and weight on the neck for a long period of time as it can bow the neck and ruin its playability.  This is especially true for an acoustic guitar where you can’t simply adjust the neck relief as easily.

It’s Worth Investing in a Stand!

Just… do it. It’s not worth risking your guitar’s life to save yourself a few bucks right now. A stand also costs less than having to take your guitar into the shop to fix a bowed neck or broken body. 

Guitar stands come in a variety of different prices and sizes and there’s an option for everyone. If you’re stuck on where to start, check out our guide on “How to store a guitar in a small room”.

Using a stand is not only safer than most of the options we just listed but also just looks great. Not only will it add a striking piece of home decor to your room, but being able to see your guitar displayed proudly will no doubt inspire you to rock out with it just that little bit more.